Est. Summer Taxes: $0
Est. Winter Taxes: $4,297
Legal Description: A portion of the southwest 1/4 of section 17, township 25 south, range 17 east, Pasco County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin at the southwest corner of lot 45, Golden Acres unit thirteen, as shown on plat recorded in plat book 18, pages 65 through 70, of the public records of Pasco county, Florida; thence run N 00 34' 59" E, 479.03 feet along the east boundary line of said lot 45 and its northerly extension, Also being the west boundary line of the southwest 1/4 of said section 17; thence 89 25' 01" E, 390.31 feet; thence S 37 13' 53" E, 16.33 feet thence S 33 31' 32" W, 619.36 feet; thence N 56 29' 42" W. 75.67 feet along the northerly right-of-way line of lakeview drive as shown on plat of golden acres estates phase 1, recorded in plat book 32, pages 146 and 147, of the public records of pasco county, Florida; thence N 00 34' 59" E, 11.92 feet along said west boundary line to the point of beginning.